Today we found out we were expecting our fourth Boy. We have always wanted a little girl but finding out and confirming what we have already known made it more real. We will be the Parents of four Healthy, Adorable, Characters in there own way Boys. And I can't tell you how happy we are.
Monday my oldest Son will be 17 years old. He is almost Thur School. He has been working for about a year now and still has no clue to what life holds for him. He thinks most things revolve around Girls, Video Games and just plain hanging out with his friends. Boy is he in for a reality check. I think back to when he was first born and find it hard to believe he will be an Adult soon. I'm not sure I'm ready for that as much as he is.
My second son is 12 years old and is just a Character. He can keep you laughing at the stupid things he does. He is beginning his 3rd year of playing Football in the upcoming months. We are so proud of him for learning to be a team player. We love that we can be apart of his life and enjoy helping him become a fine person. In four short months he will begin his last year of Middle School. When I think about how old he is getting I remember the day he began Kindergarten and wish I could go back to that day. I would to keep him little for longer.
My third son turned 6 months today. What a huge gap between their ages but having a new little one has made us feel much younger then we are. We are all so enjoying all the little things he is learning to do. I sure miss the and remember those things the older boys would do. What a blessing.
Now for our forth child. Yes another boy. This one due in September. Our two little ones will be just 11 months apart. And people think we are nuts for having them so close together. Be we feel they will love it. Always having a playmate, Boy I wish I would have had a Sibling so close in age like my Husband and his Brother. They are 364 days apart.
We are unsure at this moment if this will be our last Child. I really don't think so. But for now we are so Blessed with the greatest Gift you could ever receive a Child. So spend as much time with your kids and love them as much as you can because one day you will wake up and they will be grown up with kids of their own and all you will have left is photos and memories of their childhood.